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Plating Solutions has decades of experience in the application of galvanic Nickel chrome on hydraulic rods, production rollers, ship shafts and bearing structures. In the meantime, surface techniques are developing further and in 2012 Plating Solutions started with laser cladding under the name Topclad. With this step, Plating Solutions responds to the market demand for surface technology with longer tool life (even in the toughest conditions), lower “Cost of Ownership” and a lower impact on the environment.
The most important benefits are listed below.
- Highly corrosion resistant through the use of Inconel and Cobalt recipes. The applied layer is 100% pore-free.
- Very durable due to the use of carbides in the layer to be applied by special recipe.
- Particularly flexible (bendy) because the applied layer is metallic bonded (fused) with the underlying material. This offers, among other things, the solution for kink-sensitive rods in a horizontal arrangement.
- Applicable to many types of carbon steel and stainless steel due to the low heat input. The Heat Affected Zone is minimal.
- The environmental impact is very low. A melting pool of only about 100 µm which is made with a laser and requires little energy. Furthermore, no chemicals are involved and the process is free of Chrome 6, which is to be banned by the EU. This makes laser cladding a future-proof process.
In the matrix below you will find a comparison of a laser clad layer with other surface techniques.
Due to excellent properties of laser cladding, both functional, environmental-technical and cost-technical, Plating Solutions BV has stopped galvanic nickel plating and chrome plating. For certain applications, we still supply galvanic hard chrome over a nickel-based laser clad layer.
If you want to know more about our possibilities of laser cladding right away, click here directly to Topclad BV www.topclad.com or call +31 (0)320-411032.