Environmental advantages

The environmental advantages of Topclad Laser Cladding

Many people and companies across the globe have growing environmental concerns and are actively searching for more sustainable products and processes. Topclad Laser Cladding is an environmental friendly alternative for traditional coating processes such as hard chrome plating.

Prepared for a European ban on chromium-6

Chromium-6 is a chemical used in many industrial coatings, but it has been linked to severe health hazard. As a result, the European Commission has authorized the use of chromium-6 for no longer than September 2024 and is expected to ban chromium-6 completely after this date. The Topclad laser clad layers are free of chromium-6 and ensure that our customers are prepared for a more sustainable future.

Environmental advantages 1
Environmental advantages 2

No waste, no chemicals and a low energy consumption

The environmental footprint and health hazards of laser cladding are
much smaller, especially as compared to the NiCr-process. The
energy consumption for laser cladding is 90% lower, there is no use
of any chemical and no waste.